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New Creation Christian Fellowship

Your Place to Connect With God


Worship Service: 10:30am

Sunday School:      9:30am


About Our Church

New Creation Christian Fellowship is the re-birth of a 95 year old, non-denominational church, last known as Southeastern Christian Fellowship. We are a vibrant congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community. Our Church is deeply rooted in holy words, and our doors are always open to community members who are looking for a quiet place to worship. Contact us, or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.


5 Ways To Get Closer to the Lord

  1. Walking with the Lord is a daily decision. So start the day acknowledging that the day is a gift from God and you will be walking with Him that day.

  2. Spend time in prayer. It's hard to have a relationship with anyone if there is no communication. Talk with God every day and don't forget to "listen".

  3. "Listen" to God. OK, that might seem odd, but you listen to God by reading the scriptures, talking with other Christians, listening to Christian radio and music, looking around at His great creation. You will see how God "talks" to His children.

  4. Read God's Word every day!  You don't have to read a lot, just read some and the Spirit guide.

  5. Spend time with other Christians. Fellowship, meet, play, just remember: the people you spend time with rub off on you - and you will rub off on them!

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Meet Our Pastor!

April 2, 2018

John L. Weeks has been leading this congregation since November, 2002. He is a bi-vocational pastor so his perspective is just like yours - working and living in the real world while trying to walk daily with our Savior. John has been married since 1987 to his incredible wife, Tracy, and together they have four wonderful children.

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Southeastern Christian Fellowship Moves from the Building They Built

August 1, 2017

After nearly a century in our historic building, the church's leadership has determined that remaining in the building was no longer viable. The expense of building operations and the cost of insurance has exceeded the congregation's financial resources. So, the building was put on the market and was purchased by our friends with the Mizo Presbyterian Church of Indiana. We are so grateful the God led these wonderful Christians to take care of the building which we called home for so many years.


God led us to Beech Grove Our Place at the corner of 9th Street and Alton Street just north of downtown Beech Grove, where we are now meeting. We decided that a new location means a new start...a new creation.  So, now we are New Creation Christian Fellowship! Come and join us!

When We Meet

Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship Service: 10:30am

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"No legacy is so rich as honesty"

William Shakespeare

Contact Us

Let us know you’re out there! Contact New Creation Christian Fellowship today.

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